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Friday, November 11, 2016

Lets DETOX!!

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Hye guys, I'm back here on my blog and yes it has been a long time since the last time I posted something useful here.. and my blog is super rusty and dusty now (saja berhiperbola). LOL
Okay so for this entry, I'm going to make a review on this one detox tea product that was introduced to me by my friend Jojo( her real name is Juliet thou) Hye Jojo sulu sayau mayau buah hati pengarang jantung strawberry chocolate latte mayonis bini prenjie..woops..haha... I saw her post about this detox thingy on her Facebook 3 weeks ago if I'm not mistaken, and I was like wuuu I should try this! Tidak salah mencuba kan?? I wanted to try it because detoxing is trending nowadays and the results are really amazing. So I ordered it from her right after I saw her post (sebab x sabar nak slim kononnya) and I've tried it for a week and here is my review for this Detox's product.


Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, when these systems are compromised, impurities aren’t properly filtered and the body is adversely affected. (copy paste google) lol

A detox program can help the body’s natural cleansing process by:

  1. Resting the organs through fasting;
  2. Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body;
  3. Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin;
  4. Improving circulation of the blood; and
  5. Refueling the body with healthy nutrients.


Today, with more toxins in the environment than ever, it’s critical to detox. Here's some sign to show that your body need a detoxification.
  1. Unexplained fatigue
  2. Sluggish elimination
  3. Irritated skin
  4. Allergies
  5. Low-grade infection
  6. Puffy eyes or bags under the eyes
  7. Bloating
  8. Menstrual problems
  9. Mental confusion
  10. Constipation

So yeah I feel like I'm having all of these signs. I'm always tired, I get sick so easily, I have allergies, irritated skin, bags under the eyes and dark circle as well. But the main reason that cause me to try this detox thingy is due to constipation. Yeap, I have constipation problem. Constipation nama Omputih dia, nama Melayu dia Sembelit.. haaa.. dalam BI cantik lawa jak nama dia kan, sekali BM pelik semacam.. hahaha .. ala sembelit... masalah susah nak yakyak sampai juling mata tu...So yah I've been suffering from constipation for quite a while now, and I wanted to end this war between me and constipation.. haha so dramatic ayat dia...Nak tau tak Detox apa yang Chrissy maksudkan tu?? Bacalah lagi.. hehe

Skinny Detox by rx.t skincare

Haaaa.. inilah dia detox yang saya maksudkan... This product is actually a detox tea, means that it comes in a tea bag like a normal tea that we drink...It is called Skinny Detox... Niat asal memang nak slim down, but first, mestilah kena buang toksin toksin dalam dulu kan, barulah berkesan... 

This detox tea comes in two types,
one for Day detox, and another one is for Night detox

I bought the Night detox because I'm scared that if I take the Day detox, I will keep on looking for toilets during the lectures and tutorials. Imagine kau perut berbunyi-bunyi masa tutor haa malu kau nanti.. belum lagi sampai terkentut-kentut... HAHAHA..So, for a University students like me, it is advisable for you to buy the Night detox... you consume it before you sleep, then when you wake up on the next morning you will feel the need to go to the toilet. Boleh ja beli yang Day Detox, but consumed bila off day la ..hehe untuk mengelakkan insiden yang tidak diingini.

This is the one that I bought... Night Detox
Inside it got 10 tea bags .
1 uncang tu boleh recycle dua kali....

The tea bags looks like normal tea bags...
alaaa macam uncang teh boh teh Lipton tu la...

Just now I mention that it got two types right, one is for Day detox, and one for Night detox.. and here is the ingredients in the tea bags.

Day Detox

Night Detox
(I like this because the tea got a berry flavor in it)

And next picture is how it looks like when you put the tea bags in hot water..

Waaa.... look at that pretty red color, yes, this is a red tea...
 i think it is cause by the berry in it??? (gambar google)

I love having my tea in this bottle.. btw this bottle is from my Mummy Marianne...
love you mummy thanks for this gift..

My review on this DETOX tea

Keep in mind that this review is very honest from me, not just to support my friend who is selling this. When I don't like something I will directly said it. So, for this detox tea, I personally love it!!! I love the color of the tea which is very pleasant to see and it makes me wanna drink it all the time, plus it taste really nice because of the berry in it....but the most important thing is that I'm no longer having constipation problem!!!

Warning, this is going to be gross for some...!!!

Before this it's really hard for me to "yakyak"... kadang2 sampai 3 hari tak membuang.. sebab?? sebab takut... Its really painful everytime I have to "yakyak".... sebab taik keras sangat.. masa mebuang tu sampai juling terangkat-angkat sakit dia... lepas tu selesai yakyak tu rasa sakit di "tut tut" tu berlarutan sampai berhari-hari, sakit sebab apa?? sebab luka.. taik keras dan besar... pedih weii... jalan pun lain macam, Penguin pun tak mengaku sedara... Lepas tu masa taik jatuh tu bunyi macam bata jatuh( okay over sangat) ... taik pulak hodoh sangat,, very unpleasant to see...dan yakyak mengambil masa yang amat lama... 

but, everything change after I consumed this Night Detox tea... aku minum malam tu, pagi tu terus pi yakyak... Xada kesakitan, mata tak juling, tak terangkat-angkat, taik tu meluncur laju ja... Ploopp ploopp plooopp bunyi dia haaaa.. merdu ja...haha okay sorry gross... lepastu kan rupa dia warna dia cantik semacam, macam bentuk S..ewww haha...pastukan tak nak flush dulu sebab rasa taksub sangat, rasa nak tenung lama-lama taik tau sebab cantik,, nak saja snap gambar...haha okay I should stop hahahahahahahahahah ... 

lepas beberapa hari mengamalkan detox ni, serius tiap-tiap pagi yakyak, perut selesa, badan rasa ringan... Dah bestfriend dah ngan toilet... constipation ni la kesan paling ketara,... sebab tanda2 lain aku masih rasa x hilang-hilang.. eyebags semakin membesar xhilang...masih sentiasa letih.. tidur pun letih.. but niat aku memang sebab nak hilangkan sembelit ja so I'm totally happy with this product...Worth the price that I paid.. Nora bagi 5 bintang.. haahahah

Okay so of you are interested in trying this detox tea out, do check for the details below : (this order contact is FOR USM STUDENTS ONLY) if you want to buy this and not from USM Penang, maybe you can try to find the nearest stockist in your area)

 Whatsapp : 012-8468616
🍀🌿 Dapatkan DETOX TEA paling laris dan berkesan ini🍀🌿
Fakta penting anda perlu tahu tentang Detox Tea ini
 Membakar lemak dan kalori 3 kali ganda lebih pantas berbanding produk diet dan detox yang lain.
 Meningkatkan metabolism dengan selamat.
 Mengurangkan selera makan untuk elak anda cepat lapar * mengandungi Garcinta      Cambongua
 Carbohydrate blocker
 Dikeluarkan oleh Kilang GMP
🔥💯 diperbuat daripada herba * gabungan 8 jenis teh *
🌞Morning Clenx + 🌜 Night Clenx for better result!

Feedbacks from customers

and this is the end for my review today.. I hope that this post can help you out there who's having the same problem like mine... Thank you for visiting my blog guys...Don't forget to try it out.. See you.. Bubyeeeee

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