Hey there my dear viewers ~ Welcome to Chrissy's Blog once again!! I'm sure most of you out there are already in Xmas mode ~ wooooohooooooo.. So do I .. and school day is near too.. Oh damn...it sucks! Anyway, enough with the bubbling about Xmas and now I'm going to share with all of you about my trip to Genting Highland Resort!!
So, on our first day, daddy decided that we should go to Genting Higlands.. everyone were so excited.. Daddy booked a MPV(Innova)(blue colour) with a cost around RM180+ if I'm not mistaken, to took us from our hotel to Genting Highlands.The journey took around one and the half hour. Luckily, the MPV driver is so nice and very friendly ~ Along the way he shared us some stories, some nice places we should visit and yeah, talked about big bikes thingy with my big bro, Christopher ~ Well, they share the same interest and they start talking about it until we arrived at Genting Highlands.
This is our destination, I hope the place is as magical as it looks in the pics.

And oh ya.. I want to share with u guys about this one incident that
happened when we started our uphill climb to Genting Highlands...There
this one rider who was riding his big bike(i'm not sure what is the
type) who passed us by, showing off his bike, riding it in a very
dangerous way. We were like...ciss, that guy sure will get something
later on. and guess what, not so long after that I heard our MPV driver say, "haaaa...pandu laju lagi..buat lagi...bawak laju lagi'' I was like what the hell has happen. Then my bros say, "alamak, sayang betul..alamak... poor that bike'' xD LOL.. i thought that both of them were pitying on the rider, but they were worried about the bike ~ haha Luckily, the driver was still alive.. well, I saw it myself, he's sitting at the roadside looking confused. Tak tahulah if sekarang dah mati.. mana tahu lepas kami lalu dia pengsan masuk ICU ke?? hahaha. Just kidding. So, harap ambil ikhtibar yee ~
I was quite amazed at how one can build the road leading up to the
mountain top where the resort is located. The roads are very winding as
you can see but are wide and safe. I was told many years ago it was
single lane each way and very narrow. It started to get foggy and cooler
as we go higher. I gives you a feeling that you're not in Malaysia anymore
but some country in the middle of the cool autumn season. I'm sorry that I didn't have any picture . It's super foggy, I mean even if I took pic, the only thing that you will see is the fogs.Fogs aint pretty, dont they?? hahaha JK
The arrival at Genting Highlands resort ~
This is the Skyway Cable car station. Our driver suggested that we should use the Cable car to arrive at the top of the mountain where the resort is located ~
This is me with my mom and my horse, Candy at the cabel car station . we have not yet arrived at the top ~ Candy is so tame ~ Jealous much? LOL |
The triple C is here! haha..My big bro, Christopher,lil bro Collin and me, Christina.. now u get why we are the triple C? hehe |
the triple C with our mommy ~ Daddy was taking this photo ~ |
wuiiiii... harimau naik cable car..kelas kau harimau ~ Rm6 for person ~ |
Mommy and daddy ~ Getting ready to ride the Genting Skyway cable car~ yak yak!! |
Colgate, Darlie ... any toothpaste company.. you can book us as your model ~ Dont worry about the price. we dont ask much. Just give us Genting Highlands resort.. :) LOL |
HERE WE GO!!! taken when the cable car start to leaved the station~ too bad it started raining!! shit!! |
Higher and higher.. I'm starting to get a heart attack. |
This is the front view ~ |
Back view ~ owh damn, the rain drops ruin my picture!!! urghhhh |
Honestly I was really scared at first ~ I cant even move!! It's really high and the journey was quite long ~
Muka kena paksa ambil gambar ~ LOL..satu dunia nampak muka aku nak nangis naik cable car. Dont judge okay..dont judge..cuba kau naik... cuba try ~ :p |
Muka senyum terpaksa ~ xD LOL.. |
Christopher and Collin in action.. They enjoyed the scenic ride. well it was obvious ~ hey bro..look here!! |
Haaa..... nice one ~ |
Daddy and mommy ~ mom lah yang paling takut.. dari mula masuk sampai mountain top dia peluk tiang tu.. xD Tiang say: Diriku begitu berharga ~ LOL |
Busy2 ambik gambar tak sedar hujan sah berhenti ~ and wow!!! Just look at the scenery ~ It was breathtaking ~ |
So foggy~ wuuuu.. nampak sebab kenapa saya takut naik cable car?? kau tengok apa yang meyambungkan car tu dengan cable dia.... cangkuk macm tu aje!!! But daddy convinced us that it is really strong and it is impossible for any accident to happen. okay..DONT JUDGE A LOOK BY ITS COVER. LESSON LEARNED! |
Masa ni macam2 dalam otak ~ tengok kabus tu teringat cerita2 Dinosaur ~ haha.. |
syok2 ambil gambar akhirnya sampai !! wuhpooooooo
My bros ~ |
my lil bro was walking on air ~ LOL |
hmm.. dad sempat ambil gambar ~ |
tu dia..muka menikmati kedinginan Genting Highlands ~ Its super cold up there I swear~ menyesal tak bawa sweater . nak tau sejuk macam mana, pergi dapur, buka peti sejuk dan berdiri la kat sana..or pasang aircond 16degree~ jangan cuba di rumah ~ cuba dekat rumah jiran. haha |
wahhh.. the breathtaking view inside the building ~ |
New York, concrete jungle where dream are made off, there's nothing u cant do ~ xD LOL |
lepas puas ambil gambar... plan nak pergi Taman tema ~ yang ada roller coaster ~ macam2 la... but guess what, dapat berita ni.. '' we are very sorry, the theme park is closed for maintenance for 2 years. 2 YEARS WATAFAK!!! I'M ANGRY OKAY I'M VERY2 ANGRY!!! *api keluar hidung,bulu hidung terbakar*
Seriously, dad payed almost RM200 just for us to get here, and it start to rain we can see the nice view and now the theme park was closed for maintenance,, WHY NOW?? WHY ONLY NOW ALL OF YOU WANT TO REPAIRED IT AFTER WE GOT THIS CHANCE???
we went back to the building and look at this map~ hah my lil bro, kau kantoi nakal..2 pusaran di rambut mu ~ xD haha |
Then we saw, Indoor Theme Park ~ ALLELUIA~ so we went there and it was quite disappointing for me.. this look just the same like what we have at Sing Kwong ~ cehhhhh....
see that couple?? me jelly ~ -3- |
daddy mengamuk.... haha.. just kidding, he and my brother are playing the shooting game ~ |
Christopher in action ~ |
Biker kental!! LOL |
seorang pose nicely...seorang muka nak tido ~ |
Seorang pose nicely, sorang lagi tengok arah lain ~ |
Muka dah marah and tak da mood ~ bro happy la dia dah naik motor ~ saya nak roller coaster ~ T3T |
Letih bermain, we went to the restaurant nearby to have our lunch ~
My bro really is superman.. look at how fast he is ~ haha |
Duck Noodles and Oink Oink noodles ~ xD |
muka tak da mood bergambar.. dah merajuk mana ada mood ~ |
Then, mommy took me to the Candy shop and hell yeah.. I'm happy again ~ xD
just look at this ~ WALAO WALAO!!! Its really huge~ |
this is heaven ~ |
after that we went to Genting Gift shop ~
aww.. look at this cute lil sweater ~ *start to dream about my future hubby and child* LOL |
Another one ~ awwww |
and yeah... we are really disappointed and we decided to go back to Kuala Lumpur.. we got nothing to do..and it's raining ~
we use the Genting Skyway once again ~
Arrived at the Skyway station ~ |
from the station, we looked for a bus to bring us downhill and to KL sentral ~
and this pics is taken during the waiting time ~
I'm not in the mood to take any picture cuz I'm really frustrated.
This is the photo frame complete with our picture taken by the Genting Photographer when we first get into the Cable Car ~ One frame cost RM50..dad bought two because the pic were taken separately ~ Excuse the table ~ Biasalah orang ganas ~ |
And this is the shirt that I bought... each of us get one~ this cost around RM30+ |
Genting, I will come back in the next 2 years. I hope the next time i get there, it is not raining and the theme park is complete ~ I'm gonna miss you Cabbie ~ |
so, this is the end of my stories on my Genting Highland trip ~ now u understand why the title for this post is Not so Enjoyable trip??? I'm super sad you know ~ T3T anyway..paipai.... see u next time in my next entry about my trip to MELAKA ~ AUDIOS~