Hello again everyone! Chrissy is back! and today i will post a lot and a lot and a lot and a lottttttttttttttttttttsssssssssssssssssss of the sweet moments about our L6A1 trip to the Belawai Beach! YEAH BEACH!

WE decided to have this trip because right after the SPM results came out, some of our classmates are not going to the school anymore..I mean they will follow a different path..some will further their studies in the college, some went to PLKN and the rest will going to Form 6.. What breaks my heart the most is that, after this.. we will not be in the same class anymore.. We were placed in the same class before because there were not enough students for the school to placed us in the class according to the subjects that we had choose. This is really sad.

i dont wanna leave such an AMAZING and AWESOME's classmates i've ever had! I think our relationship are bonding perfectly just after the program started for about 2 weeks! From strangers, we turn into friends, best friends, and now we are brothers and sisters!

Okay okay i dont wanna talk too much.... so..HERE IS OUR JOURNEY!
Excited mode!!!
Chak Yee and Angie ~ (Lalat+Telur) LOL  |
Look at our bags yooo..Be jelly yoooo... HAHA!  |
Why only Angie look to the back? u wanna dance? LOL
Mat rempit of SHS a.k.a KF..... ~
i was too busy looking at Angie and Mickey mouse(Mandy) posing nicely there..
Handbag Model of SHS a.k.a Angie Tang (telur) LOL
Wikiman, ABCman, Lawrence and Fisherman ~ LOL The Peace Lover..  |
Mesyuarat Agung....doing discussion about who will be thrown into the sea..ketua, Yong Hong a.k.a Ikan
Masin@Machiman LOL |
Hello there, Jacky and Lawrence! self selca huh?? HAHA  |
Our Lady boss, Buyau and Mandy!  |
KF (Take 2) |
(Take 3) LOL
Haiyaaaaaaa.......! |
Dillon looks like he is thinking about something.. XD |
Buyau in action ~ |
Chocolate chocolate chocolate!!! Sponsored by ABC and Ikan masin. Thanks yaaa !!!
Fong fong and Dora emon! Peaceeeeeeeeee!  |
Dilarang merokok.. Kalau mau gigi cantik macam Mickey mouse, say no to SMOKING! LOL |
Doraemon and fong fong and a lotsss of keropokkkk! |
On our way to Belawai, there's a lots o funny things happened in the bus... we sang together... laughing out loud... and i still remember that time when all those who sat at the back were shouting loudly each time the bus went through a bumps.. SAKIT PUNGGUNG !! HAHA... It was really funny.. and the most funny part was when KF make this wolf sound... he was like Awwwoooooooooooo! LOL... we had so much fun on our way to Belawai.. I sat next to Mickey Mouse (Mandy) and she sang the church song.. and i dont know which one should i listen to... her singing or the song on the radio..? LOL she didnt brought her Muscle man along but instead she brought her Piggy stuff toy.. PINK COLOR.. those who sat at the front were all busy sleeping and listening to the song from their phone.. and i was busy laughing like crazy..taking pic and video and eating keropok with Mandy.. SYOK SENDIRI SAYA!..
Yeayyyy.. we have arrived.... ~ |
Semua sudah keluar..lihat siapa yang masih tersekat di pintu bas.. HAHAHA |
Wikiman: saya tidur dulu lahhh
Abcman: Saya mau main disanaaaaaaa...
Lawrence: Saya minum duluuuuuuu..
Doraemon: Saya termenung sajalahhh... |
Mangsa buli, Mickey mouse aka Mandy
Pembuli: Sleeping beauty aka Siaw foon
Ik muiii..what are you doing?? mau mencuri ke?? i see you.... LOL |
Tengok mickey mouse punya sarung tangan..Playboy logo or what? LOL |
Look at how beautiful the beach is ~ |
Waaaalaooooooo.. how beautiful...LOL |
Bayar sewa kepada Gangster Belawai , Kacang aka Wilson.. No money no play here.. HAHA |
Model iklan dilarang membuang sampah di merata-rata tempat... |
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... beautiful beach ~ Belawai u'r awesome! |
World Record..memancing di atas pasir. ~ HAHA |
LAWRENCE: sabar sabar.. ada disana.... LOL |
Wikiman aka Wei King... Smile..look at my handphone and earphone.. hahaha |
Preparing for the barbeque ~ |
Omaigasshhh.. over excited face... LOL |
This is our ''Pondok'' LOL.. we rented all of it... one table cost RM5.... one barbeques set cost RM4... hehe |
KF cakap kami duduk di tanah saja lah.. more cheap..no need to pay.. LOL |
Smile Lalat smileeeeeeeee ~ |
Preparing our food ~ I want food..i need food!! ~ LOL  |
Our Boss, KF ... I wanna fishing la... haha |
Wouooooyoooo ..so cool ooo Dillon.. Belawai Fisherman.. LOL |
hyeee Cikgu Philip.. waa.. cikgu, u shine bright like a diamond ~ ahaha |
Mandyyy.. apahal u?? FFFffffffffffffffffffffffffff? LOL |
Barbeque + Eating Time ~
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... ~ omg what is that thing? A spider? |
C.Philip in action ..Take 1.. hehe |
Take 2....... |
Who is that? The one who's wearing Pink hawaii short? LOL |
The Masterchef of Belawai ~ LOL |
Minyak Epal Model... Kim Fook aka KF ..haha |
Orang sibuk barbeque dia sibuk habiskan makanan... ~ LOL |
KF dan C.Philip.. memanggang dengan penuh sopan santun.... Su su is very excited..Fong fong wanna eat that lemon grass.. Yen ching and I are an outcast at the back.. LOL |
So hungryyyyyyyyyy.... Look at their hungry face.. hahaha |
This is what we call.. ''Lintan'' |
Sausages.... a lots of sausages.... THIS IS HEAVEN ~ |
Mandy is too excited when she sees a lot of sausage.. LOL
Lawrence, so sleepy aargh?? |
Chef Su su looking very happy ~ |
Waaaaaaa......... OMG BOLA BOLA..OMG BUNTUT AYAM..  |
YEAHHH, let me present to you the greatest chefs of the Belawai Beach.. LOL nice pose Cikgu and Yu woan ~ |
Lalat mau mencuri makanan!!! Pukul dia pukul dia!!! |
Look at that girl at the back... tanam ubi kaa?? Mickey mouse.LOL |
Chef KF in action... Fong Fong .. apahal u?? |
Chef Fong fong ... ~ hoo... mimpi siapa itu?? |
Minnie: Cikgu, makan bread saya... SEDAP PUNYA..
Cikgu Philip: Betul kaaa??? LOL
Buyau, Mandy and me..an outcast again... |
Siaw foon...... why so serious... hahaha LOL |
Look at Su su... LOL makan makan jangan malu.. Ik Mui susah hati ka?...~ |
Mau cantik macam saya, makanlah bread ~ LOL.. Angie aka Telur  |
Samseng Belawai eat Sausage.. LOL |
Lalat eat one Basin of Buntut Ayam.. LOL... Mickey mouse what happen? Tak sedap? |
Wewwiitt.. so sexxyyy aaa.. LOL |
Chris Hair saloon.. LOL  |
Lawrence: Saya minum dulu ~ |
That Karen Baby and Su su cannot wait to eat their sausage.. Karen..u makan dua batang sudah ooo  |
Planta Model.. LOL  |
Eh... why so serious? LOL |
Angie making Teh Tarik at the back.. LOL  |
Mickey mouse memberi ceramah tentang kebaikan meminum Soya Bean ~ LOL  |
Buyau: Apahal air ini lain macam? XD
Su Su: Ini ayam ke Itik???
Ik Mui: Cheerrrsssss... minum dulu... LOL |
O.O kuatnya orang ini makan..  |
Su su and Baby Karen... ~  |
Uii Mickey Mouse.. why so serious.. XD
Kf: ambil Buntut ayam untuk saya.. haha  |
Mickey Mouse is so cool... makan ayam pun boleh mimpi ~  |
Buyau in action... Jangan kacau saya.. Nanti saya potong ur ''Kukubird''.. LOL  |
So finally.. hiiiii it's me, Christina aka Hantu Gula aka Chris Tuna.. XD I have lemon grass in my hand.. LOL  |
Our lady boss ~ It's time to get CRAZY!  |
Yeayyyy..let's play in DA WATA!!!!!  | | | |
Behind the scene ~  |
Mari kami lumba..siapa lambat ,baling dia dalam laut.. haha  |
The World most Branded watch... Suitable to be use anywhere.. ~LOL  |
They are actualy performing YMCA dance... HAHAHAH.. nice butts..  |
LOL..over excited face..nyahahahah  |
They are planning something evil...trust me.. Just look at the sky ~  |
LOL.. Minnie look like blind people here.. Hahaha..JK .. u guys are very pretty  |
Buyauuuuuuuu ~ eheh, what am i doing? WHY LIKE THATTT?  |
Look... Mr lonely pakai baju hitam..  |
Ikan masin is looking for his friends... Dillon is helping him.. LOL  |
So many weird action here... OTL |
Who has the nicest leg?? Me? okay thanks... LOL  |
Fong Fong wanna throw Lalat into the sea..bad girl bad girl..  |
uuiii Mickey Mouse... Lihat apa tu?? why so serious.. haha  |
Give me High 5 ! haha  |
KF in action ~ |
Let me introduce to you the Gangster of Belawai..
Wilson aka Kacang: Ehh you, dont play play aaa.. if not i'll throw u into the sea... Jaga u!  |
This is his ''konco''... be carefull.. he has the camera with him... h can shot u anytime.. LOL  |
His mood is very good that day after collecting ''hutang''...a new konco has appear...be careful, he has a bread in his hand..he will force u to eat it until u'r dead.  |
Ikan Masin in action.. he is too excited that he finally get into the sea water... LOL |
Into infinity and beyond ~ LOL |
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... |
Run run run the beach... lalalalala ~  |
Gong xi fa cai..... ~ hahaha ..all red.. later lembu kejar u two .. |

Belawai Crocodiles ~ muka pun memang macam buaya sudah.. 
seekor buaya sedang lena tidur..LOL |
Throw ikan masin into the sea..yeahhhhhh  |
Okay.. i do the Peace sign in every picture that i have.. retarded me.. LOL |
Mangsa serangan.. LOL serang serang KF!!  |
Why this gangster so friendly?? hahahaha  |
TO BE CONTINUED ~ PART 4 ~ the internet connection is super bad that i have to end this here..thanks for viewing!! Do the HARLEM SHAKE! LOL